Revolutionary Socialism a Study in Socialist Reconstruction by Louis C. Fraina Revolutionary Socialism a Study in Socialist Reconstruction
by Louis C. Fraina

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Editorial Review
Fraina wrote Revolutionary Socialism to outline his vision of the future of Socialism. Originally published in 1918, just after World War I and the collapse of several of Europe's largest governments, Fraina details the potential for Socialism to grow from the rubble of these governments. With emphasis on the drawbacks of Democracy and Capitalism, he gives a frame work for the rise of Socialism. LOUIS C. FRAINA (1892-1953) was an Italian-born left-wing American political writer and activist. He worked and wrote for socialist newspapers on and off, becoming more and more radical as he was influenced by international communist leaders. He became the chairman for the Founding Convention of the Communist Party of America in 1919, traveling and working for the Communist Party until a disagreement with Communist International in 1921 forced him underground for a time. He emerged as Lewis Corey in 1926 as a liberal journalist, supporting the Communist, Marxist, and Democratic movements, respectively. In December of 1950, federal prosecutors attempted to deport him for illegal entry into the United States and for communism, but he died before the proceedings were completed.

Product Details
  • Publisher: Cosimo Classics
  • ISBN-10: 1-61640-761-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-61640-761-2
  • Sales Rank #
  • Published on: November 01, 2012
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 258 pages

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