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Horn, Gabriel

Gabriel Horn, White Deer of Autumn, is a member of the family of Princess Red Wing, Metacomet, and Nippawanock of the Narragansett Tribe/Wampanoag Nation. He is an award-winning writer and teacher. He is also a nationally recognized lecturer on writing and on Native American philosophy and its intricate connection to the rights of traditional indigenous peoples, animals, and the welfare of the natural environment. For over 40 years, Gabriel Horn has been an activist, a teacher, and a writer, and he has helped raise and influence the lives of his three children. Under his tutelage, many of his students have gone on to become educators, lawyers, and contributors to the welfare of humanity and the world. They have gone on to become better fathers and mothers. They became better people. His writings now span generations and will, no doubt, be read and discussed for years to come.

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